Thursday, July 09, 2009

that darn lonely word. . .

there's so many things said about honesty. each emphasizing the need to be one. its significance. its absence in today's world. its real essence.

heck, what's with it anyway?

honesty is the value of speaking the truth. at least that's what we believe it to be. (i'm no scholar nor any kind of language professor so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong)

it creates trust in minds of others and implies a lack of deceit.

but a statement can be strictly true and still be dishonest if its intention is to deceive somebody, right? (or am i making sense?)

yet there are situations in which dishonesty may be preferable. that's what my friends keep on telling me weeks ago amidst rocky situations. (rock on!)

everyone is so untrue, so goes that classic song. be honest even if others are not cried the civic organizations. all that blah blah follows.

i am honest. i don't look like it but i am. yeah. . . . really. but some people doesn't like it. they hated it in me. (hah! i know you'd read this)

i am a person who says what he thinks and thinks what he says. take it or eave it.

too honest they'd say. (guess too much of something is really bad) too much in the sense that its hurting people. them. my friends. and myself.

been in the point where every word was misunderstood. practically because they are thinking ahead even before i had the chance to spit every word i was thinking to say.

told me about the thing called white lie. force-feed it to me actually. tasted bad. don't want any of it.

they said i am brutally frank. told them i rock! said i'm just trying to put a halo over my head. told them they suck!

bunch of hypocrites. dishonesty may be the newest trend but honesty rocks. would always give you a good night's sleep. try it.

bato-bato sa langit ang mabuklan gabaan. . . heheheheh (bitaw, think about it.)

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